Ordinance Violation Report Form

Please complete the information below to report any ordinance violations to the City of Tomah Zoning Department. Please use the description field to be as specific as possible so our staff can identify the violation.


Submitting this form is only a method for informing the Zoning department of a potential violation. All submitted requests will be viewed as information only and will be directed to the proper channels for investigation and follow up. Submission of this form does not acknowledge confirmation of reported violation. If it is determined that the alleged activity could be a violation of an ordinance, a violation case is opened to investigate the matter. Without a valid name and contact information for the person submitting the complaint, the complaint will not be investigated. Your name will not be given out, it is a means to follow up with questions and/or inform you of the investigation and whether or not a violation has occurred. 

Address of Violation
Ordinance Violation Type *
Please Contact Me *