Building Inspector

The number one reason for the delay of building permits is that the quality of site plans that are submitted often make it impossible for zoning approval to occur. 

Prior to submitting an application for any building permit please download, review, and adhere to the following ordinances and checklists.  Failure to comply with the below checklists will result in the delay of processing and/or rejection of your application for a building permit.

1. City of Tomah Municipal Code Chapter 52: Zoning and the City of Tomah Zoning Map:

2. Building Permit Checklist - All construction to include single-family residential:

3. Site Plan Review Application - Required for all development including new construction, movement, reconstruction, conversion or structural alterations to structures pertaining to triplexes, multi-family housing, commercial, industrial, and public projects:


Points of Contact - E-mail is the preferred communication method and will result in the quickest response to your inquiry.


Primary Building Inspector: Kent Erickson 608-697-7774


Secondary Building Inspector: Aaron Holbach


For fences, signs, and sheds that are less than 120 square feet: Nick Morales / 608-374-7479